Monday, January 12, 2009

Worked All States on 75m

Well, I haven't yet, but I'm now trying. 5 states down, 45 to go.
In QSO with another OM this evening, I realized that I've seldom, if ever, heard someone making a CQ on 75. 80, yes, all day long....but not 75....which would make WAS for 75 meters an interesting project.

I'm sure there will be those that say "75 meters isn't a real ham band" well, technically, you're right. From frequency in megacycles = 300/lambda, then lambda = 300/3.900 which gives you 76.9 meters as the wavelength. 75m would start where the COMMERCIAL 75 meter band is on old shortwave sets, and encroach on the 80 meter ham allocation. But that's just a technicality - part of the 75 meter band is within the ham 80 meter allocation.

If ARRL has literature referring to 75 meters, then thats good enough for me!

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