Tuesday, November 25, 2008

WorldRadio Magazine To Go Web Only

After close to 60 years of publishing WorldRadio, a black and white newspaper style Ham radio magazine, Armond Noble, has decided to retire. Mr Noble has served the amateur community admirably, and I'm sure that I speak for many of us when I say that we wish him the best in his retirement.

I consider myself fortunate to have been able to receive WorldRadio in my mailbox each month, and will miss it dearly. It was the only publication for the community, that focused on the community - it was about the things we all talk about on the air, and in our clubs, and wasn't a "specialty" magazine like CQ, that serves DX'er, but one that had something for all.

CQ magazine have bought WorldRadio, and are going to publish it online only. It's a sad decision, I would rather them either keep WR as it is, as a separate publication, or even add its content into CQ so that CQ has a broader appeal.

I hope that CQ magazine really think about this one, as it would mean that they would be able to take on QST, or as I call it, QRT because it's become a dumbed down publication to say the least over the past few years. What was once the "gold standard" for DIY and would-be homebrew amateurs, is now a self-promoting, give us your money by buying a $1000 brick, publication.

CQ, please reconsider your stance, and either incorporate WorldRadio into CQ, in which case you will gain not only my subscription, but many other WR subscribers who will cancel, or leave WorldRadio it as it is.

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