Thursday, August 14, 2008

Two Shortwave Broadcast Giants Do Battle

In a rematch of the Cold War, VoA South America Service, and Radio Habana Cuba, appear to have battled over the 6180 khz frequency. While the ITU (International Telecommunications Union) acknowledge the rights of Radio Habana Cuba to the frequency, the esteemed Voice of America/Radio Marti, who broadcast nearer and nearer to the RHC assigned frequency, seem to have caused so much interference that RHC has had to move it's English language service to a higher portion of the spectrum.

Glenn Hauser, who has for many years performed a great service for Shortwave Listeners by publishing guides to what can and has been heard from which part of the world and at what frequency and time, weighed in on the subject on many internet mailing lists. Glenn, although appearing to be right, launched a personal attack on Prof. Arnie Coro, of Radio Habana Cuba, who, regardless of politics, has proven to be a great ambassador for the radio hobby.

It's obvious that RHC migrated it's service due to VoA/Radio Marti - but the radio hobby doesn't need someone like Glenn Hauser to hit people over the head with the U.S. flag, especially when we have no idea what Prof. Coro's true political feelings are since he's living and working in a regime where opinions HAVE to be stifled. We are supposed to be about EFFECTING change, not ENFORCING it.

My hat's off to Prof. Coro, for not getting baited into Mr Hauser's attempt at starting a flame war. As a hobby, radio doesn't need this type of thing. Leave that to the internet chatrooms, people.

If you want to help make a change, Mr Hauser, may I suggest that you support:
Foundation for Free Cuba and keep your comments to yourself.

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